Getting Started With Jesus
The Process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity
1 year ago

S1E40 - Don’t Make Me Stumble

A Mature Discussion on Christian Liberty

Episode Notes

Do you ever stop to ask yourself: Are my actions causing another Christian brother or sister to go astray? I mean, it is obvious and most certain that we all grow and mature in the things of God at different stages. In fact, much of our progress is determined by our level of commitment to Jesus Christ, personal sin and temptations, desire to obey, Convictions, and the application of the Holy Scriptures. However, since we are Free from the bondage of sin and redeemed by the Blood of our risen Lord and Savior, this new life gives us liberty to do, act, be, and choose as we wish.

Over the years, I have watched, learned, and experienced situations that were necessary for me to grow closer to God, despite the attempt to discourage or harm my journey. Sometimes your desire to be used by God is charged with energy or challenged with deception! There are some weak, misguided, hypocritical, untrained folk in the Christian community who Have Not studied the Word of God and can create “Stumbling Blocks,” to your Spiritual Growth and Maturity. I talk about this in my book Getting Started With Jesus, Chapter 4 - Trials, Tribulations, Temptations, Tests. It‘s now available in Audiobooks at Audibles, iTunes, and Amazon. Simply sign in and Order (smile).

Today’s program is a mature discussion about the freedom we have as a new creation in Christ, but we must remember that the weaker Christian brother or sister is watching your every move. The easy goal is to Walk Worthy of this wonderful calling; because we need to Edify and Encourage one another as well as lead people to God

Our behavior should not destroy, pity, demean, or shame the Brethren.” In fact, the entire Book of James is written to teach Practical Christian Living. I encourage you to do a complete study and watch your personal behavior improve to the Glory of God! Look, this is a Deep Subject but worth the attention so that you can continue with the process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity.

Be Peaceful. Enjoy the Podcast. Listen learn, grow, apply, and mature! It is a simple formula. God Bless you and May Heaven Smile upon you. I Love You and Thank You.