Getting Started With Jesus
The Process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity
1 year ago

S1E23 - Little Itty Bitty Faith

Mustard Seed Faith

Episode Notes

Hello There! I had a wonderful Thanksgiving and the Women’s Conference in Charlotte, NC on December 3, 2022 was fantastic! More to come about that next week!

But today, here are the lyrics to an old gospel song about Faith that I grew up singing in church.

Faith can move mountains, Oh faith can open the fountain, Yes faith will help you succeed, Yes faith will supply your every need. Where is your faith in God?

Such a great song. I simply love great gospel songs with depth and so much mearning.

Throughout the Holy Bible there are a number of stories about faith for healing, deliverance, restoration, and casting out of demons. The measure of faith was necessary to demonstrate hope, trust, and belief that a miracle was possible and evident.

It is important to have faith, exercise your faith, increase your faith, and to walk by faith as we grow and mature spiritually.

According to Matthew 17:14-21, If you have faith the size of a Mustard seed, you can move mountains. Believe it and have Faith in God!