Getting Started With Jesus
The Process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity
1 year ago

S1E32 - Who Cares For You?

Who Really Cares For You?

Episode Notes

Whenever I take time to think about my problems, I sometimes wonder who really cares for me. Have you ever thought about who will run to your rescue? When you need the most help? When the answers don‘t seem to come so easily?

Yes, I’m sure that you have had similar thoughts or pondered this question. And when I count the many people and family members who are no longer here, it makes me wonder, Who Cares for Me? They have gone on to glory and the world is so unkind. Yes…Who Really Cares for You?

This program focuses on the One Certain fact that you can depend on: God Cares For You!

Since you are fearfully and wonderfully made (Psalm 139:14), relax and realize that God Cares, God Cares For You, and God Will Take Care of You! Cast your cares upon him (1 Peter 5:7).

I am so grateful that God reminded me that, we are never alone, never abandoned, never left for harm, and never rejected. His love and power demonstrates that he Cares for Me and for You.

So, keep getting stronger in your Spiritual Growth and Maturity. God Will Take Care of You!!

May God Bless You and Heaven Smile Upon You. Be Peaceful.