Getting Started With Jesus
The Process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity
1 year ago

S1E37 - An Active Prayer Life

What Is An Active Prayer Life?

Episode Notes

What does it mean to have ”An Active Prayer Life?” How does it feel to know that your petitions are being heard and answered by God? Who really intercedes on your behalf to make sure that God is even listening when you pray?

The answers to these questions are provided in this exciting, and lively discussion between myself and Mr. Lavell Neal which took place a few weeks ago on his show: Quarantined with Lavell Neal. In fact, the entire interview and video is available on his You Tube Channel and you can learn how to be sure that God is listening to you, when you pray.

Yes, I know that you have heard this phrase many times, “There is Power in Prayer!” But when there is uncertainty, doubt, wavering faith, and unconfessed sin, your prayers will not be heard or addressed by Almighty God. You must actively participate in your prayers, and Listen to God!

We talked about the importance of ACTS - Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, and Supplication; as well as the role of the Holy Spirit when you approach the throne of grace. This program teaches you How to Get Your Prayers Answered. May God continue to bless your sincere desire to mature grow closer to Him.