Getting Started With Jesus
The Process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity
1 year ago

S1E19 - The Seven I AM’s of Jesus Christ

When Jesus Speaks…Everybody Listens!

Episode Notes

Moses asked God a good question, “What shall I say to the Children of Israel when they ask, What is Your Name?” And God told him, “I AM THAT I AM. Tell them that I AM has sent me unto you.” That scripture is found in Exodus 3:13-14.

I AM. That is a statement of power, dominion, authority, certainty, and something I call “Single-Minded“ significance! I AM THAT I AM.

Then, when you fast forward to the New Testament, in the Gospel of John the Deity of Jesus Christ is presented in the first verse as “The WORD.” The scripture is found in St. John 1:1, 2, and 14.

There is a very reason why we can depend on Jesus. He has all power and authority over every concern that we face in life. His earthly ministry healed the wounded hearts of mankind.

This show will focus on the Seven definitive statements of Jesus Christ, where He Declares…I AM…. and No One Else is…!! In other words, JESUS is in a class all by himself.

May God bless you, and Heaven smile upon you.