Getting Started With Jesus
The Process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity
1 year ago

S1E27 - The Power of One Person

One Person Can Make A Difference

Episode Notes

Happy New Year! It is 2023!

The power of one person can make all the difference in the world! One dedicated person, one smart person, one giving person, or one committed person. Yes, when you search the records and reports, it is usually that one one “special person,” who has made the difference that influenced the lives of other people. And…In a very positive way. The power of one person speaks volumes!

Today’s show will focus on the one main ingredient that makes these “People of Power” stand out from the rest of us. They have the faith and wherewithal to hold onto the true source of power and greatness. That is…the Power of God. (See Philippians 4:13; 1 John 4:4; Psalms 118:6)

I don’t know, but maybe it is You. You might be that special person in your family, community, organization, business, church, or neighborhood. In today’s message Joseph who lived in Potiphar’s house (while in Egypt), helps us to grow closer, believe, and trust God as we grow and mature in our spiritual walk.

Also, my interview with Ms. Sheri Burton speaks to the influence and power of one person. She is a faithful servant in her community and the Lord is with her every day! Enjoy the Podcast!

Happy New Year and Be Peaceful throughout 2023! May God Bless You.