Getting Started With Jesus
The Process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity
1 year ago

S1E20 - Grow Up!

It’s Time to Grow Up!

Episode Notes

My mother had a phrase that she would say during my adolescent years. ”Regina, take what you have and make what you can out of it.” It was her way of saying, “Stop Complaining,” and keep pressing towards your goals and dreams.

That phrase still resonates in my heart today. She was telling me to “Grow Up.”

Many people hate to grow up. Think about it! It is easier to complain, blame others, resist the need to change, dismiss your faults, be angry and bitter, or even say “I Am Sorry.” And…..mean it!

Today’s discussion will challenge you to do just that….Grow Up! Mature! Advance! Develop! Grow!

When you take time to evaluate your surroundings and ask God, ”Why do you allow things to keep happening to me?” He will probably say, “YOU need to GROW UP! Take time and read 2 Peter 3:18.

The Peace of God is available, but you have to receive it by Growing Up!

May God Bless You.