Getting Started With Jesus
The Process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity
2 years ago

S1E10 - Wisdom is the Key to Happiness

Wisdom Leads to a Happier Lifestyle

Episode Notes

Wisdom is the ability to discern goodness from evil, and make better decisions. It is the quality of having experience, knowledge, and good judgement. When we rely on our own volition, we often make mistakes and wind up regretting the setbacks.

There is a difference between the “World’s“ wisdom and God’s wisdom. And, the Wisdom of God is peaceable, pure, and full of mercy.

This show will discuss the impact of making use of sound Wisdom, the great results, and expectation for true happiness; when you adopt and follow the prescription.

The Holy Bible teaches that wisdom is more precious than silver, gold, and rubies. You will learn that Nothing compares to the Wisdom of God!! It leads to True Happiness!!!