Getting Started With Jesus
The Process for Spiritual Growth and Maturity
1 year ago

S1E28 - “Thank You Mam, God Bless You”

When You Give Unconditionally

1 year ago

S1E27 - The Power of One Person

One Person Can Make A Difference

1 year ago

S1E26 - Let Your Light Shine

You’re A Shining Star

1 year ago

S1E25 - The Sword of the Spirit

The Whole Armor of God

1 year ago

S1E24 - The Healing Martial Art

Capoeira Angola - Great for the Mind, Body, Spirit, and Soul.

1 year ago

S1E23 - Little Itty Bitty Faith

Mustard Seed Faith

1 year ago

S1E22 - In Everything Give Thanks

Thanksgiving is Every Day

1 year ago

S1E21 - Listen…Don’t Be Afraid

Do Not Let Fear Control You

1 year ago

S1E20 - Grow Up!

It’s Time to Grow Up!

1 year ago

S1E19 - The Seven I AM’s of Jesus Christ

When Jesus Speaks…Everybody Listens!